domingo, 17 de outubro de 2004



Bom, neste final de semana está difícil de escrever alguma coisa decente.
Tenho um bocado de trabalho pra fazer, e meu tempo no computador infelizmente será totalmente dedicado a ele, mas prometo voltar logo.

Antes de partir, quero agradecer às mensagens que o pessoal deixou, tanto no multiply quanto no blog. Obrigado pela força.

Quando eu escrevi, já estava bem (na medida do possível) em relação a isso, ou não teria conseguido parar pra postar sobre o assunto.

Escrevi por um único motivo, apesar do risco de ser mal-interpretado:
Queria que todos lembrassem como é importante dizer praquelas pessoas que se ama o quanto elas representam pra gente, antes que isso não seja mais possível.


U2 - Numb

Don't move
Don't talk out of time
Don't think
Don't worry
Everything's just fine
Just fine

Don't grab
Don't clutch
Don't hope for too much
Don't breathe
Don't achieve
Or grieve without leave

Don't check
Just balance on the fence
Don't answer
Don't ask
Don't try and make sense

Don't whisper
Don't talk
Don't run if you can walk
Don't cheat, compete
Don't miss the one beat

Don't travel by train
Don't eat
Don't spill
Don't piss in the drain
Don't make a will

Don't fill out any forms
Don't compensate
Don't cower
Don't crawl
Don't come around late
Don't hover at the gate

Don't take it on board
Don't fall on your sword
Just play another chord
If you feel you're getting bored

Don't change your brand
Don't listen to the band
Don't gape
Don't ape
Don't change your shape
Have another grape

Don't plead
Don't bridle
Don't shackle

Don't grind
Don't curve
Don't swerve
Lie, die, serve
Don't theorize, realise, polarise
Glance, dance,dismiss, apologise

Don't spy
Don't lie
Don't try

Start again

Don't triumph
Don't coax
Don't cling
Don't hoax
Don't freak
Don't leak

Don't speak

Don't project
Don't connect
Don't expect

Don't project
Don't connect
Don't expect

Don't struggle
Don't jerk
Don't collar
Don't work
Don't wish
Don't fish
Don't teach
Don't reach

Don't borrow
Don't break
Don't fence
Don't steal
Don't pass
Don't press
Don't try
Don't feel

Don't touch
Don't dive
Don't suffer
Don't rhyme
Don't fantasize
Don't rise
Don't lie

Don't project
Don't connect

Don't expect

Don't project
Don't connect

Don't expect

I feel numb

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